Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 14 of training

Week 13 is kind of where your family starts asking why you are spending so much time training for an event when you are not getting paid to do it.  You also start to fall short on a house chore here or there and maybe you fall a little behind at work instead.  Well, I stayed on track at work and fell behind on a house chore here or there this week, but it is all good and things are still fine at home. :)

Sunday: 20 mile bike ride through roads and bike path, took 1 hour, 7 minutes altogether.  Actually ended up passing by some people that were doing the overnight Relay Around Columbus which is a 105 mile relay running race where you have a team of 3 or 6 people to run 3 or 6 legs of an 18 leg, 105 mile race.  No pickups or pacing on this ride, just riding out the miles.

Monday: 2 x 20 minute tempo run in the heat, ended up doing 7.5 miles today and my two 20 minute tempos were 2.75 miles and 2.68 miles.  Not bad considering it was around 90 degrees outside and humid.

Tuesday: 55 minutes and 19 miles today.  Did some warming up and then did the local time trial series where I did 2 laps of 8.4 miles each.  Has a fair amount of rolling hills in the course and I did the first loop at 21.8mph and the second at 22.2mph for an average around 22mph.  Not bad for a rolling course, plan on continuing to try to improve here.

Wednesday: Long run was squeezed between a doctor appointment and work, so it wound up being 1 hour, 28 minutes for 10 miles instead of a planned 2 hour run, but I would make up the half hour on Saturday.

Thursday: Rest day, I totally rocked the rest day and did nothing at all.  This is the one workout that I just nail all the time! lol

Friday:  Long bike ride, did 101 miles today in 5 hours, 20 minutes.  Not bad at all and after I got past the bike trails and out of the city into the rural roads it really is nice not to have to deal with anything but semi trucks and 2 lane roads.  I felt great on this ride and practiced my nutrition.  My original plan was to do a 35 mile out, 35 mile back, change bottles and then do another 30 miles but decided to just go 50 out and 50 back (which wound up being a mile over).  Nutrition was fine with 1550 calories total (stopped at a gas station to get some more gatorade.  Race day I think I will need closer to 2000 calories.

Saturday: Went 9.5 miles in 1 hour, 19 minutes and 30 seconds with about 3.5 miles of uphills and 3.5 miles of downhills.  I felt suprisingly good after a long friday!  This is good, right?

Feeling great this week and wound up with some good solid mileage of 140 miles biking and about 27 running.

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